Madonna, the iconic pop queen, recently treated her Instagram followers to a series of rare and touching photos from her son Rocco's 24th birthday celebration in Italy. The 66-year-old star appeared deeply happy and content, surrounded by her six children, as they enjoyed a memorable weekend filled with love, laughter, and, of course, a gigantic birthday cake with "Happy Birthday Rocco" inscribed on it.
The whole family joined in on the celebration. In one photo, the mom of six squeezes her 11-year-old twin daughters Stella and Estere tight with her arms around them.To close out the carousel, the "Like A Virgin" singer posted a full family photo, in which the proud mom stands in the center surrounded by Rocco, Stella, Estere, daughters Lourdes, 27 and Mercy, 18, and son David, also 18.
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